The salary for an employee in normal working hours should be clear and with details, and shouldn't be lower than the lowest salary standard of that year in that city. 约定职工正常工作时间的工资要具体明确,并不得低于本市当年最低工资标准;
The structure of cysts was normal in control group, laminated layer and germinal layer were clear, and there were many protoscoleces in the brood capsule. 对照组泡球蚴结构基本正常,角质层、生发层清晰,育囊内有数量不等的原头节。
Further longitudinal studies should determine whether tubular proteinuria in stable transplants with normal tubular histology indicates a clear risk for early development of TA/ IF. 需要进一步的纵向研究确定在正常小管损伤组织学组的移植稳定者中的肾小管性蛋白尿是否能提示早期TA/IF发展。
Rong Liying, an education PhD and teacher with Capital Normal University in Beijing, said students usually have no clear idea of the school-assigned majors and do not know their majors well. 首都师范大学教育学博士教师荣丽英(音译)称,学生们对于学校开设的专业没有清楚的概念,绍兴翻译也不太了解自己的专业。
Patients of other age groups gradually lose their own ability of moving, normal face expression and clear enunciation. 其他各类患者则要度过渐渐失去行动能力的一天又一天,逐渐失去行动的能力、正常的面容、清晰的口齿。
Results: Through electron microscopy, electro-acupuncture group has normal Schwann cells, rich organelles, especially the clear vision of rough endoplasmic reticulum integrity. 结果:通过电镜观察,电针组的雪旺细胞细胞核染色正常,细胞器较丰富,尤其是粗面内质网结构完整清晰可见。
That's normal, dear Libra, but unless you do clear out the past you can't get ready for the future. 亲爱的秤子,这种情况很正常,除非你清理了过去却没有为未来做好准备。
In the new normal, one thing is clear: cutting costs is extremely important. 面对新标准,我们必须明确一点:节约成本极其重要。
( Results) The model rats showed a dark purple tongue, and thicker and longer sublingual vein, while the normal rats showed a ruddy tongue and clear sublingual vein. There was a significant difference between them. 结果模型大鼠舌质紫暗,舌下脉络增粗增长,与正常大鼠舌质鲜红润泽舌下脉络清晰有明显差异。
The shape of the AgNORs in normal and benign teratoma was round, regular, with clear boundary and even size, setting in the center or the margin of the nucleus. 结果显示:正常睾丸及畸胎瘤的AgNORs颗粒呈圆形、规则、边界清楚、大小均匀,位于胞核偏中或边缘部位;
The average absorptivity of serum from 386 normal human serum through two methods revealed clear difference ( P < 0.01). 两种方法测定386例正常人血清平均吸光度间、平均含量间有非常显著的统计学差异(P<0.01)。
The improved normal equation solutions are simple and clear, convenient in use, can also gain the contracted and stable computing results which are fully same as results computed in the second plan, have a fine applicability to engineering. 改进后的正规方程法算法简单明了、应用方便,计算结果收敛、稳定,且与二次规划法的计算结果完全相同,具有良好的工程适用性。
B-ultrasound shows the size of kidney is generally normal, the cortical medullary boundary is not clear, nephronophthisis is suspected. B超显示肾脏大小基本正常,皮髓边界不清,怀疑有肾单位肾痨。
And the diagnosis of normal and pathological prostates are clear-cut. 结果:经直肠三维超声检查的图像清晰、立体感强、直观、透视性好,对正常前列腺及相关前列腺疾病诊断明确。
Among the legal criterions, compared with the substantive justice, the procedural justice has more legitimacy: First, The adjective justice is no normal and clear concept; 在法律标准中,与实体正义相比,程序正义更具有正当性:第一,实体正义是一个不规范的、含义模糊的概念;
To Understand the Character of the Students of Correspondence's Teaching of Normal University To Carry on the Spot Teaching with a Clear Aim in Mind 有针对性地搞好高师函授教学
Results ( 1) The histopathologic findings showed that normal mice had clear layers of retinal structures and outer nuclear layers were neatly arranged and the dying was clear. 结果①正常小鼠视网膜组织结构层次清楚,内节和外节排列整齐,外核层细胞排列规则,染色均匀;
Morphology of normal neonatal rat liver cells is normal in electron microscope, and cristae clear, has glycogen granules in the cytoplasm, complete mitochondria can be seen. 电子显微镜下:正常乳鼠肝细胞形态正常,内嵴清楚,胞质中可见糖原颗粒,线粒体完整可见。
The combine visualization of suspected diseases and normal tissues provide more clear evidence to the doctor. 结合疑似病变部位与正常组织的联合体绘制,可以给医生更清晰的参考依据。
In the IPC+ I/ R group, most of the cells had normal shapes and a clear outline, a few cells had some characteristics of degeneration such as deep staining of nucleus and disappearance of part of cytoplasm. IPC+I/R组大部分细胞边界清楚,核形状规则,少数细胞出现核染色变深,胞浆部分消失等变性的表现。
A large number of experiments in different scenes show that users can directly put fog or dust weather video into our system, and the normal clear videos can be obtained finally. 通过不同场景的大量实验表明,受雾或沙尘天气影响的视频经过该系统处理,能够输出清晰的亮度正常视频。
Trational Chinese medicine treatment group shown in the morphology: normal glomerular structure of cysts larger, clear structure, tubular and interstitial crystal deposits decreased, tubular swelling expansion or contraction was reduced. Conclusion: 1. 中药治疗组在形态学上显示:肾小球结构基本正常,囊腔稍大,结构清晰,肾小管及间质内结晶沉积物明显减少,肾小管肿胀扩张或萎缩程度减轻。
Results: H-E staining: normal group muscle structure is clear and aligned. 结果:H-E染色:正常组可见比目鱼肌纤维结构清晰,排列整齐。
Normal lung tissue structure is clear, bronchial, alveolar and organizational structure of the normal alveolar septa, no alveolar septal infiltration of neutrophils, no congestion, edema and acute and chronic inflammation changes. 正常对照组大鼠肺组织结构清晰,支气管、肺泡及肺泡间隔组织结构正常,肺泡膈中无中性粒细胞浸润,无充血、水肿及急慢性炎症等改变。
Adrenal divids into cortex and medulla, normal group cortex thicker, it can be a clear distinction among the zona glomerulosa, zona fascicular and zona reticularis. 正常对照组肾上腺分为皮质、髓质,皮质较厚,皮质可明确区分球状带、束状带、网状带。
Bone marrow hematopoietic cells of every group mouse were observed by HE staining. The normal group showed that: the structure of bone trabecula was clear, hematopoietic cells were abundant and arranged densely, bone marrow nucleated cells and megakaryocytes were more. 各组小鼠骨髓造血细胞HE染色观察:正常组骨小梁结构清晰,造血细胞丰富,排列紧密,骨髓有核细胞及巨核细胞较多。
Observation of histology: hepatic lobule architecture in the normal group was clear and hepatic sinusoid argyrophilic fiber in the normal group was porous. 组织学观察:正常组大鼠肝小叶结构清晰,肝窦网状纤维疏松。
Treated as "quasi" teachers, tuition-free normal college students 'position is very clear. In the actual training process however, how to promote their development as lifelong teachers has become a new problem. 免费师范生作为准教师,其定位十分清晰,而在实际培养过程中,如何促进其作为终身教师的发展则成为一个新的问题。
The normal exhaust emissions like NOX, CO have clear distribution regularity in cylinder. The amount of CH2O is two order of magnitudes lower than that of normal emissions. 低热值气体燃料缸内主要污染物NOX、CO的分布具有明显的规律性,甲醛生成量相比常规排放物小两个数量级。
H-E staining showed that MCAO+ inhibitor group: neurons, hippocampal pyramidal cells, glial cells and capillaries were in normal shape, structural integrity, the nucleolus is clear and the cytoplasm is pure without red dye. HE染色示MCAO+抑制剂组:神经细胞、海马锥体细胞、胶质细胞及毛细血管形态正常,结构完整,核仁清晰,胞浆无红染。